• Investor Relations

  • We strive to provide VISANG's values and information and will attempt to enhance its shareholders
  • Management Performance of VISANG

    VISANG was public listed in the Securities Market on June 30th 2008

    Listed on the Korean stock market, VISANG will be re-evaluated by the global market and take a leap forward. Based on various educational contents including Korea's representative textbooks (selected by 8,578 schools), best-selling supplementary books (sold over 100 million copies), an interactive English program for kids "Wings!", self-paced English learning program "englisheye", and an online self-studying program "Wise Camp", VISANG Education will ascend as an educational contents group that sets a new paradigm in global education.

  • Sales Amount
  • The most highest adoption rate in the main subjects

    High school
    Life science

    40.2%High school Chemistry

    35.9%High school Korean geographic

    30.4%High school Korean history


    Middle school Social studies

    25.5%Middle school Science

    20.2%Middle school Mathematics

  • The market of textbook (Status of selection rate)
    The most highest adoption rate

    with 48 titles in 27 subjects


    Middle school: Mathematics, Science
    High school: Korean, Korean geographic.


    Middle school: Mathematics, Science, Social studies, History, Social studies maps & graph, History maps & graph
    High school: Literature, Differential and intergral calculus, Chemistry, Life science, Korean geographic.

    The second place

    54 titles in 19 subjects


    Middle school: Korean, Social studies, History.
    High school: Reading and grammar, Social studies, Korean history.


    elementary school: Music, P.E.
    Middle school: Korean, art, P.E.
    High school: Korean, Speaking and writing, Probabillity and statistics, Social studies and culture, Economics, world geographic, Korean history, East Asia history.


    Middle school: Social studies.
    High school: Korean, Physics, art.