  • The Top 3 Principles of Meta Learning
  • <VISANG, NOW> Issue 2021.02

    Ushering in the Era of Meta Learning in Home Study

    Information for parents 

    who are wondering, 

    "How can I prevent my child from falling behind 

    in the era of online learning?"




    Reap the benefits of HOME STUDY

    through META LEARNING!

    With the recent paradigm shift in education,

    the importance of untact home study has aroused,

    yet parents are concerned that this type of learning

    will cause for their kids to fall behind their peers.

    VISANG has come up with the Meta Learning Solution 

    to raise metacognition and 

    presented a new type of home study 

    that can help find a solution to parent's and student's concerns.

    What is "meta learning,"

    a new type of home study 

    that is the be-all and end-all, 

    and how can it be actioned?

    In this edition of <VISANG Now>, 

    you will examine the top 3 principles of meta learning 

    and be one step ahead of the game for future education trends.

    Top 3 Principles of Meta Learning ① The importance of metacognition  

    Studying techniques

    used by the top 0.1% of students

    who do not fall for Learning Illusions

    Q. Why is it difficult for my child to improve his/her grades

         even though he/she studies so hard? 

    A. It's due to learning illusions,

         and the solution lies in meta learning. 

    The Top 3 Principles of Meta Learning_4

    When students learn with a first-class instructor, 

    they fall into the [learning illusion] that they'll also take the first place in the study. 

    When students solve questions designed for top students, 

    they fall into the [learning illusion] that they'll become top students. 

    When students study ahead of their class, 

    they fall into the [learning illusion] that their grades will improve rapidly. 

    It's easy for both students and their parents 

    who haven't experience about their each role

    to fall into learning illusions 

    that often prevent academic success! 


    focuses on the "Metacognition" that all of the top 0.1%

    have in common as a solution to eliminate the learning illusions.

    WISECAMP, in particular, 

    has been transformed into a meta learning solution 

    with advanced services provided based on 

    a wide range of Concept Framework Notes(개뼈노트)

    that strengthen metacognition by promoting visual thinking.

    Learn more about meta learning, 

    a solution to the problem of learning illusions, 

    together with the [WISECAMP Meta Learning Solution]

    that can nurture your child's metacognition 

    and help him/her become one of the top 0.1% students.

    Top 3 Principles of Meta Learning ② – What is meta learning?
    One-on-one meta learning program

    Q. What is "Meta Learning"? 
    A. It is a learning method
        where students can completely master the art of metacognition,
        which helps internalize the material they learn. 
    The Top 3 Principles of Meta Learning_3
    Metacognition, on the other hand, is a special cognition process
    that allows the person to distinguish exactly what they know from what they don't know 
    so that they can internalize what they learn.

    Top 0.1% students, who have developed metacognition
    are capable of avoiding learning illusions, 
    as they think about their own thinking and learning processes. 

    Then, how can metacognition be cultivated? 

    Experts say that metacognition develops more effectively 
    when you speak and draw about what you've learned as outputs, 
    instead of just listening and watch to the lecture.

    The prime period for metacognition development 
    is the elementary school years, 
    during which a one-on-one meta learning solution
    that is tailored to each individual according to
    his/her developmental stage is more important than ever.

    This is why the [WISECAMP Meta Learning Solution]
    has been developed and launched. 
    By assisting students on a one-on-one basis 
    and helping them develop metacognition, 
    like the top 0.1% students, 
    in consideration of their direction and speed of learning, 
    students ultimately become capable of engaging in meta learning.
    The Top 3 Principles of Meta Learning_2

    Top 3 Principles of Meta Learning ③ – Metacognition in later years
    Developing metacognition
    throughout elementary and middle school years

    Q. For how long should a child engage in meta learning? 
    A. Throughout elementary and secondary school years!
    The Top 3 Principles of Meta Learning_1
    In order to fully develop metacognition, 
    which is what top 0.1% students share in common, 
    students must be provided with an integrated and consistent solution 
    consisting of metacognitive knowledge and skills 
    throughout their elementary and secondary school years 
    according to the extent to which their metacognition has developed.

    This is because the metacognitive knowledge to 
    recognize one's strengths and weaknesses mainly develop until Gr. 3 or 4
    while the metacognitive skills to monitor one's progress
    in comparison with one's study plan develop throughout the secondary school years

    In other words, the development of metacognitioon begins in elementary shoool
    and progresses in a step-by-step manner in secondary school,
    which is why it is important to engage in Meta Learning throughout the school years.

    In recognition of this, VISANG has revamped SoobakC
    as a Meta Learning Solution to help students begin developing metacoginition
    in their elementary school years
    and progressively develop it in their secondary school years without any interruptions.

    is a great way to start developing metacognition 
    based on the AI CAMP as well as visual coaching and visual planning,

    while SoobakC Alpha S 
    helps students fully develop metacognition 
    based on learning strategy reports and homeroom teacher coaching.

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